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A New Agent’s Guide to 3D Home Walkthroughs

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A New Agent’s Guide to 3D Home Walkthroughs

Anybody trying to sell homes to a buyer needs to use every tool at their disposal. That means a lot of things today since technology is at the forefront of real estate. Real estate agents today are creating detailed 3D home tours to show off homes more effectively than ever before.


Virtual tours are growing at a 13.6% rate right now. This is a testament to how effective these tours are at showcasing some of the best real estate properties around. When you are diligent about the way that you put together your tour, you are more likely to find a buyer for your property.


The tips below will help you when you're trying to create a 3D home walkthrough experience for your potential customers. 


Why a 3D Home Walkthrough Is Beneficial

A 3D home walkthrough is not just a nice perk to have, it is quickly becoming a necessity for anyone trying to sell a property. This is one of the most important tools that a real estate agent can use today. 


Getting to know the perks of these services will help you sell more properties quicker than you ever have. Below are some of the advantages that real estate agents can appreciate.


It's a Cost-Effective Way to Showcase a Property

It's always a balancing act to list, market, and sell a property. Real estate investors have an obligation to spend enough money to improve the property and get it sold, while still managing their profit margins.


Virtual tours help real estate investors in this regard because these tours are relatively inexpensive compared to ongoing in-person tours and showcases. You'll invest the money to create the virtual walkthrough once and it will keep paying for itself. This keeps you from having to hold physical open houses that require more overhead costs and considerations. Every penny counts, and 3D home tours are an effective way to keep more money in your pocket while trying to get a return on investment (ROI) for a house that you are selling.


A 3D walkthrough can attract plenty of buyers to your property without you having to dip into your checking account nearly as much. You can attract buyers literally from all over the world at a fraction of what that would have cost you in the past. 


You Weed Out Uninterested Buyers

Virtual tours can help you get your property sold quicker than traditional methods of marketing. Recent data showed that it took about 49 days for a home sale transaction to close, on average. 


Some properties can stay on the market for as long as 75 days or more. The longer a property stays on the market, the more it costs you as a whole.


Investing in virtual tours can save you money because you weed out buyers who are just window shopping or not serious at all. Buyers can glimpse at your virtual tour at home at their leisure and can send a message or call with any questions they have. This is more time effective than having to meet individuals at the property every single time that they would like to take a tour. This is best for all parties and can help you pinpoint the most serious offers off the bat.


It's a Health-Safe Way to Tour the Property

In a world affected by serious viruses and other health issues, it's important that you always maintain health-conscious protocols whenever possible. Many buyers are still hesitant about congregating in large crowds, so having a remote tour option is best for everyone. You won't have to sanitize the home nearly as often, which yet again cuts down on your overhead costs.


After virtual tours, interested buyers can set up one-on-one tours at their leisure to see the property in person.


You'll Get More Traction on Your Real Estate Listing

Virtual tours are also essential for gaining traction on your listings. This will help you get the most out of your real estate marketing efforts.


With today's technology, you can put together a thorough real estate walkthrough that gives your viewers a clear indicator and impression of the size, scale, and floor plan of the home. The more traction that you get on your real estate listings, the easier the property will be able to sell in the end. This will also help you get a better return on investment because more interested buyers mean a bidding war that can raise the price.


They Allow the Buyer to Shop at Their Own Pace

The last thing that anybody wants when shopping around for a home is to feel pressured. Since buyers can browse the property at their own pace and time with virtual walkthroughs, it eliminates any stress or pressure. People can browse each room and aspect of the walkthrough at their discretion without worrying about keeping a poker face or feeling rushed through the tour.


Buyers will feel better about coming to a decision about the property, which means more offers for you.


Creating Your 3D Home Walkthrough

So, now that you know what makes a 3D house walkthrough so amazing, how can you create one? There are some steps you can follow that will help you put together a high-quality walkthrough. 


Use these guidelines so that you can get the results that you're looking for.


Consult With a 3D Walkthrough Company

Take your time to find the help of a company that can help you with your walkthroughs. Find out all you can about the company and what types of tours they put together. You can find out what hardware and software they use, and the types of details they highlight with their tours. 


Go on their website and browse the different tours that they have put together. This will let you see for yourself the types of attributes that they put into each floor plan, home interiors, exterior effects, lighting, shading, and more. You'll feel better spending your money with a company that you know to be effective with these tours, and you'll have the best shot at putting together a finished product that ends in a sale. 


Highlight the Best Home Features

It's up to you to know the most sellable features of the home, so that you can work with a home tour creator that can help you highlight them. Consider the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and square footage of the home, so that you can showcase it as part of the tour. 


Consider features, such as flooring and beautiful windows. You can use the walkthrough to show off your cherry, oak, maple, or any other hardwood floors that you opt for. Perhaps you have some eco-friendly, decorative windows that you'd like to show off as part of the tour. 


You should also make the tour as true to life as possible. Do your best to get the color schemes as accurate as you can, in addition to any styles, themes, patterns, or other features that you would like buyers to know about. Work with some graphically and artistically inclined professionals that can help you paint the home in the best possible light. 


Create Visualizations for the Entire Property and Neighborhood

Make sure that you focus on more than just the home interior. Buyers want to see the total picture, and that means considering the exterior of the property, including the landscaping features and the surrounding neighborhood. 


They want to know what they are getting from the property and how it fits in with the rest of the geography. Highlight how much acreage the property has, the layout of the front and back yards, and any plant life or other features that enhance the curb appeal


Publish the Virtual Tour in the Right Places

Above all, make sure that you're publishing the 3D tour in all of the right places. Share it on both social media and real estate-based platforms to get the most traction. 


Include Virtual Reality (VR) integration whenever possible, and don't hesitate to include music and other effects that leave a lasting impression. Make sure that your contact information is published prominently and that you get as many eyes on the listing as possible. 


Showcase Your Real Estate Using Technology

Start with these words of advice when you'd like to get the most from your 3D home walkthrough. These tips will help you get the best from your real estate marketing. You will be in the best position to attract buyers that can help you hit all of your real estate goals. 


Hommati.com can help you maximize on the process with home tours and other solutions. To learn more about our real estate agent services, contact us on our website for more detailed help.