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How To Choose the Right House Size To Buy

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How To Choose the Right House Size To Buy

Did you know the median size of newly-built single-family homes in 2021 was 2,356 square feet?


For some, that size might lead to a lot of wasted space, but for others, it might be too small. Each family is going to have its own unique situations and needs, which is why choosing the right house size is important when you're house hunting. How can you know how much space you need, though?


Luckily, we're here to help you figure it all out. Read on to learn everything you need to know.


The Problem With Wasted Space


Homes in the US are larger than in other countries. New homes are popping up every day, and we also have more room to spread out, but that isn't always a good thing. In fact, it can lead to extra stress and anxiety for some homeowners.


A UCLA study on the living habits of American families proved that point. The average home size keeps going up, but there hasn't been an increase in the use of larger spaces to accommodate the growth. 


When the space in your home is going unused, it can lead to unnecessary stress over cleaning those areas or having clutter build up since you have the space. In some cases, though, the extra space has been worth it — especially for those working from home.


Ever since 2020, Americans have started spending more time at home than they were before. People have since started to venture out more, but a large number of people still commute from their kitchen to their home office each morning. When that happened, a lot of families decided to take those unused spaces and turn them into workspaces or extra room for the kids to play.


Still, though, deciding on the right amount of space for your family can be a daunting venture. Here are a few steps you can take to help speed things along.


1. Do You Like Your Current House Size?


The best thing you can do is examine your current living situation. To choose the right house size, take a look around you. Do you like the size of your home, or do you think you could do with an extra bedroom or bathroom?


Take stock of how you're living now so you can figure out what you do and don't want to carry into your new home.


You might work from home now, but if retirement is coming up soon, do you need an entire home office, or would a small nook do? Your kids might love their playroom now, but are they going to need it in a few years? Consider longevity when you're making these decisions for yourself.


You should also consider your outdoor space. Do you live on a big lot now and make use of it, or do you despise the day you have to do yard work? Would moving to a smaller lot with less maintenance make sense, or even hiring someone to care for your yard?


If you're busy, you might not want to concern yourself with yard work and other home maintenance. In some cases, leaving those responsibilities to someone else is the ideal solution.


2. Assess Your Financial Situation


That being said, could you afford that extra help if you chose to move? You want your home to be the right size, but you also want to make sure you're not putting any strain on your wallet. It might fit your budget now, but will the monthly costs make sense for you once you move in?


3. Do You Have Plans for Expansion?


Once you buy a home, you're not likely to want to move in the near future. That's why it's important to consider what's down the line for you 10 or even 15 years from now.

Are there children in your future? Will any family be moving in with you? Maybe you need a yard for the dogs you're adopting to run around in.


Whatever the case might be, it's important to think about everything when you're making this decision. Of course, you can't plan for every curveball life might throw your way, but having a sense of the basics you'd like to be able to accommodate is important for the homebuying process.


4. Stay Practical


That being said, it's important to make sure some plans make sense.


A home theater or an entire room for getting ready might sound nice, but is the extra monthly expense worth it all? Would it be more practical to invest in a nice vanity for the master bedroom? Maybe it'd make more sense to just go out to the movies when you want to watch something on a bigger screen.


5. Tour Homes in Different Sizes


Whether this is your first home or your fifth, you should tour houses in different sizes if you're not sure about the size you want. Living in 1,500 square feet might sound doable, but it's hard to know without seeing the size. You might get to your house tour and realize that 2,300 square feet is a more practical size for your family.


It's best to start with the minimum number of bedrooms you're looking for and then move up from there. It's also smart to consider that not every home is built the same. One house might make practical use of every square inch, while another's awkward layout actually makes you lose out on a lot of extra space.


6. Think About Your Resale Value


In some cases, having a bigger house that you can remodel is a great idea — especially if you plan on selling in a few years. However, if resale value isn't as important to you and you don't have any need for the extra space, then having it might be unnecessary.


7. Can You Modify the Current Floor Plan?


A lot of homes might not seem livable at first glance, but with a little reworking, you can find something perfect for you. You can also opt for a new build in order to tweak the space before you end up in it. A lot of home builders offer homes in smaller sizes to accommodate families of any size, and there are usually a lot of choices to make it feel like your own.


If you'd rather tweak the floor plan yourself, though, then it's best to find a home that you feel like you can work with. This might be a bit more work than building new, but it's also easier to control your budget when it comes to things like design, hardware, and even furniture.


New builds and existing homes can include cleverly designed items, like built-in cabinetry or floating shelves that can take the place of bulky furniture. This makes it a lot easier to get everything you need out of your space. In some cases, those built-ins make it easier to create a dual purpose room, so you might not need the extra space you were planning for after all.


8. Trust Yourself


The biggest piece of advice we can offer — trust yourself. If you walk into a home and immediately fall in love with everything about it, then it's going to end up working for you. There's no one-size-fits-all solution for home sizing, which is why it's so important to know what you're looking for before you start.


Your home is where you live, entertain, and possibly even work or learn. It's where your kids will grow up or your puppies will turn into adults. Taking the time you need to ensure the perfect fit for you is essential when you're buying, and it's important to trust yourself and the process.


The less rushed you are, the better chance you'll have at finding something you love and can grow into. You can seek out all the advice and expertise in the world, but nobody's going to be able to make that decision for you.


Ready to Find the Best House Size for You?


Once you've answered the basics, finding the best house size for you and your family might be easier than you think. Remember, if you're still stuck, you can always talk to your real estate agent or some other professional to get their advice. They'll be able to tell you the smartest move for your situation, and they can help you find the perfect home.


Luckily, Hommati is here to help you get started no matter what step of the homebuying journey you're on. Whether you're looking for an agent or just want to explore your buying options, you can find it on our website.