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Real Estate Drone Photography: How It Can Benefit Your Listing

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Real Estate Drone Photography: How It Can Benefit Your Listing

Did you know that around 13% of Americans move each year? If you're planning to put your house on the market, you'll want to do everything you can to make your home look its best. That's where real estate drone photography can be an asset to your marketing strategy.


Keep reading to learn how using drones can benefit your listing!


Show Off the Surrounding Area


For out-of-towners seeking a new home, it can be hard to visualize what the area around a home looks like. Potential buyers who are unfamiliar with the area could wonder how busy the roads are, and where the main roads are in relation to the home. They also might be interested in seeing how big a neighborhood is and how close it is to amenities. 


Aerial photography offers an opportunity to capitalize on the appealing qualities of your area. Even if the home itself could use some updates, attractive surroundings can be enough to push a buyer toward your home. 


Consider that nearly 50% of Americans don't take a summer vacation, for instance. If your property offers easy access to a coast, a sought-after city, or another attraction, drone footage can show it off. Highlight your proximity to parks, pools, and beaches.


Or maybe your home sits across the road from a championship golf course. A drone can offer an accurate perspective on just how close a round of golf can be. Someone buying your home might not need to worry about budgeting for travel if you're already in a desirable location!


Offer a Clear Sense of the Floorplan


Drone photography offers an effective way to provide a literal overview of the inside of a home. You can operate a drone so it hovers at a safe distance below your ceiling. Viewers then can see the layout and compare room sizes more easily.


Do you have gleaming hardwood floors or a spacious front entry? Aerial imagery can capture details in your flooring. It also can make large spaces seem even larger. 


When you have strong drone footage, you can stitch it together to create a virtual tour of your home. Adding a 3D virtual tour to your listing is another way to make your home more accessible to potential buyers. With one, viewers can navigate through your home and get a feel for its sense of flow. 


Give an Unbiased View of the Home's Exterior


With traditional photography, you might not be able to capture the full picture of your home's exterior and the property around it. Photographs can show off details, such as new windows or wrought-iron railing. But it can be tough to understand how all of those details come together.


And sometimes potential buyers may wonder if you have something to hide. Photos that only show parts of the home or distant shots may seem deceptive. After all, it's hard to tell if your roof shingles are curling with a traditional photograph taken from the ground.


With drone photography, you'll offer a fuller picture of how your home looks. Potential buyers will appreciate that you're giving an unbiased view of the property. And you won't have to jeopardize your safety by climbing onto your roof to get the perfect shot.


Revealing areas of peeling paint on the exterior may seem risky. But viewers will see you as an honest seller and may be more interested in doing business with you.


Share Amenities That Are Hard to See


Do you have solar panels mounted on your roof? Or do you have an outdoor kitchen that connects to a pool and patio? For features or amenities that don't always come through in standard photography, turn to a drone. 


Solar panels can add significant value to your home and potential buyers will love the idea of trimming their utility bills. But if your roofline or trees obstruct their presence, panels are a hard feature to spotlight. Drone photography can capture the placement and number of solar panels lining your roof.


As another example, you may have a creek or public garden mere steps from your property. Drone equipment can capture footage leading from the banks of the creek to your back patio. This will help highlight an impressive feature that viewers might just skim over in the written description of your listing. 


For another option, use a drone to hover above a second-floor balcony and share the view. Prospective buyers will love getting a glimpse of what makes your home unique!


Provide Perspective of the Whole Property


Real estate aerial photography can help potential buyers get a sense of how your home meshes with its surroundings. In other words, when you want to show how close the neighbors are or where the property line sits, you can do it.


An aerial shot provides a bigger and better perspective than a traditional photograph. Setting drone equipment 20 feet into the air gets it high enough to capture the perspective, but low enough to capture details. Viewers will be able to see the details while still having some context for where your home is situated.


Depending on your home's location, you'll want to modify your strategy. A home that sits on a large acreage means you may need to send your drone higher. That way, you can include the whole expanse of land around the property.


But if your home is in a high-density area, keep the drone lower. You may not want to highlight the fact that the neighbors are as close as they are. Instead, use drone equipment to maximize close-ups of windows or architectural details. 


professional agent can work with you to make sure the listing's words match the quality of the drone footage, too. After all, if you're investing the time into getting better visuals to sell your listing, you'll want to sell the details in writing. And since aerial photography and videos can capture more content, you'll have more ground to cover in your listing.


Impress Prospective Buyers with Aerial Views


When a prospective buyer comes across a listing with aerial photography or video footage, they'll be more eager to click through it. Using drones levels up a listing quickly, and that can result in more visibility. 


Before you take the photos and videos live, spend some time doing light editing. You don't want to manipulate photos to the point that they seem artificial. But you do want to play up the best features.


For instance, intensify the saturation of colors and enhance contrasts. Crop photos that reveal too much. And adjust your white balance for a more accurate sense of color and lighting. 


You can make a house that doesn't have the flashiest curb appeal look better when using drones. Pull together sweeping aerial footage to construct a polished video. Even the drabbest home will look more impressive with the right sequencing of shots.


When you post a listing on social media, viewers will be more inclined to click on ones with stunning visuals. You can even choose your best aerial photos and place them on flyers at an open house to help make the fact sheet more memorable.


Make a Positive Impression as a Seller


If a listing features photographs with bad lighting and poor compositions, it won't make a positive impression. If anything, a prospective buyer will be turned off by the lack of professionalism. And when a listing looks unpolished, it's easy to assume the seller and agent attached to it won't be the best to work with.


When someone is buying a house, they're also entering a temporary relationship with the seller and agent. The last thing they want is to work with an unresponsive, demanding, or unprofessional seller. Turning to high-quality photography is an easy way to make a positive first impression as a seller so a buyer will want to do business with you. 


Using drones can also help add credibility to your listing. If you indicate that your home is within an easy walk of a park or lake, drone footage can help validate that statement. And buyers may assume that you will handle all aspects of the selling process professionally. 


Use Real Estate Drone Photography


Adding real estate drone photography to your listing strategy can help you sell your home faster and get the offer you want. You'll be able to highlight the property's best features and give potential buyers a sense of the surrounding area. You can also provide a clear floorplan overview and make a positive first impression when someone clicks on your listing.


When you're ready to get your listing more visibility, contact us so we can help!