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The Benefits of HD Photography When Selling Your Home

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The Benefits of HD Photography When Selling Your Home

Did you know that 13% of the population moves each year? If you're planning to pack up and move, you may face a tight timeline for selling your home. Fortunately, when you invest in some professional touches on the front end, you can improve your chances of a speedy transaction.


To get the best offers and sell your home quickly, make professional photography part of your strategy. Read on to learn more about the benefits of incorporating HD photography into your game plan!


Gain Access to a Professional Photographer


When you outsource your real estate photography needs to a professional, you'll get access to their skills and expertise. Trying to take photos of your home using a cellphone or low-grade camera won't yield the same level of quality. An HD, or high-definition, camera will boost the aesthetics of your results. 


Professional photographers will consider elements like lighting and composition more than the average person would. Armed with a tripod and wide-angle lens, a photographer will have the equipment to craft better images. And better images of your kitchen or den will help anyone viewing them feel like they are standing in the doorway.


Skilled photographers also have access to editing software to add critical final touches to their images. They can tweak color levels and textures, resulting in frameable photographs.


Perhaps you just covered your living room's beige walls with a coat of fresh white paint. A pop of white will create more contrast against wooden trim and baseboards, creating a more modern look. A poor photograph, however, might make your walls look gray and dingy.


You want a good photographer to capture colors accurately. They will use a light meter to determine the perfect exposure for photographs in a particular space.


They also will use photo editing software to adjust the contrast and brightness. This will help do justice to your cosmetic upgrades!


Elevate Your Listing Above the Competition


High-definition real estate photos will make your listing stand out from the competition. Today's buyers turn to the internet to look at home listings, so you need to make a good first impression.


But with potential buyers scrolling through listing after listing, you also want to give them a reason to pause on yours. A serious buyer will notice the difference between an average set of photos versus one that glows with rich colors and detail. A photo of a home's exterior taken at high noon won't have the same impact as a photo of a home at dusk, for example.


Good photographers can capture quality images regardless of the home, too. Did you know that Americans are spending $40 billion each year on lawn care? You don't have to when you have a skilled photographer operating the camera.


They'll know how to create low-angle shots that make your yard look lush and large. They'll also know the ideal time of day to capture the trees and greenery silhouetted by landscaping lights. Photographers will know how to capture each outdoor or indoor space in such a way that maximizes its best qualities. 


And if you really want to show off a sprawling property, photographers can use drones to supplement close-up images. With a drone, they can create compelling videos and still images that show off your acreage.


Drone footage also can provide a better perspective on your proximity to other appealing places. Maybe you're a mere one-block walk from a hip restaurant district or nature preserve. A drone can capture these areas and prove your location’s attractiveness to potential buyers. 


Nudge Your Asking Price Higher


How much is your home worth? Your real estate agent will go over comparable homes and help you determine a fair asking price. But you may be disappointed if the suggested price is lower than expected.


After all, when you're planning to buy another home, you want to gain as much money as you can from the sale of your current home. And that means you'll be looking for ways to justify asking a higher price. That's where photography can come into play as a critical tool.


You may be able to command a higher asking price if you can make your home look better — in person and on camera. Making your home look better can start with staging. During this part of the process, you'll want to declutter your home and make some cosmetic upgrades.


Upgrades can include adding neutral paint to the walls. You also may want to introduce fresh artwork or a few accent pieces. All of these visual changes will make for better images. 


Once your home looks fresher, capture it in high-quality photos. A good photographer will be able to highlight the clean lines of a living room or the spaciousness of a front-hall entryway. In the end, the combination of cosmetic enhancements and good photos gives you a reason to ask for a higher price!


Save Your Agent Time


Real estate photography can be a time-consuming aspect of the job. If your agent is the one doing all of the camerawork, that cuts into their work day. And overall, that cuts into your access to your agent. 


In addition, there's a risk that they'll rush through the photography, meaning that the results won't look as good. Even the best smartphone cameras won't offer the same precision as a DSLR camera. 


If your agent is trying to market your home online or help you find a new one, they'll need the time to do it. By turning to a professional photographer, an agent will reap the benefit of extra time. Your agent can then use the professional photos in social media marketing blitzes or place them on the agency's website. 


Plus, you'll be able to feel like you have more access to your agent. This can include going to showings, talking over listings, and discussing the details of paperwork. Better yet, you might be able to sell your house faster, too. 


Get Offers Sooner 


Are you on a tight timeline to sell your home? You’ll need to expedite your home sale if you're starting a new job or trying to move your family before the school year starts. When you're looking for a way to speed up the selling time, professional photography is the answer. 


Many homeowners browse online listings before reaching out for a home tour. In other words, your online listing is a critical first impression. And if it looks polished, your real estate agent will be fielding calls for showings earlier in the process — and potentially even offers. 


Consider adding a 3D tour of your home to the visuals in your listing, too. Photographers who can operate drones can provide aerial coverage of the rooms in your home. This helps create a better sense of your home's layout and flow.


For potential buyers living out of the area, a 3D tour is a huge help. Rather than trying to piece together separate images into one continuous home, a 3D tour will do that for them.


This can help out-of-state buyers feel more confident about making an offer. They'll also be able to ask more precise questions of your agent, which can help prompt an offer. 


Avoid Creating Poor Online Listings


Grainy or dimly lit photos won't be a selling point for any potential buyers clicking through your listing. Instead, they'll make a judgment call about your home — and your level of professionalism. In fact, some buyers might even wonder how well you've taken care of your home. 


Additionally, if you skimp on the number of images in a listing, people will notice. They might question why you've omitted certain views and wonder if you're hiding significant flaws. You're better off investing part of your budget in images that show off your house.


Even if you have features to which you don't want to draw attention, there are ways to be clever with a camera. Use a wide-angle lens to create a bigger impression of a small kitchen. Or take close-ups of vintage door knobs and other signs of quality craftsmanship.


Ultimately, you should turn to professional photography when selling your home. You'll ensure that your listing reflects a higher level of professionalism. No matter how big or small your home is, good images can make it feel impressive. 


Use HD Photography to Sell Your Home


HD photography can elevate your listing above the competition. Investing in professional real estate photography can lead to faster sales and better offers. You'll impress potential buyers as they scroll through countless listings.


And best of all, you'll demonstrate that you're a thoughtful and professional seller. When you're ready to create the best online listings, contact us so we can help!