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The Benefits of Virtual Staging for Real Estate Agents

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The Benefits of Virtual Staging for Real Estate Agents

About 50% of home buyers find their homes through the internet. During their search, they could come across photos of your listings. If you're not using effective marketing tactics, however, buyers might turn their attention elsewhere. 


Instead of falling into the background, upgrade your real estate marketing strategy with virtual staging this year.


With virtual staging, you can choose from a range of decorating and style options to ensure each listing appeals to your target audience. From the floors and walls to decor and window treatments, you can make changes to market your listings.


On the fence? Read on to discover the top benefits of virtual staging for real estate professionals today!




Think about how long you currently spend physically staging your real estate listings. You need to schedule time for renovations, cleaning, furniture delivery, and setting everything up. 


Today's real estate market is fast-paced, though. Buyers don't have time to waste. In fact, most houses are on the market for only 38 days (compared to 61 days in 2021).


Getting a listing up and available for touring immediately is crucial, especially in such a competitive market. Choosing virtual over physical staging will provide you with a faster turnaround time.


Most virtual staging companies have a turnaround time of two or three days. You won't miss potential buyers by wasting time physically staging each property.


You won't have to waste time and energy scheduling in-person tours or worrying about no-shows, either. Instead, buyers can review the listing from the comfort of their own homes. Marketing real estate listings with high-quality images can help buyers make decisions without further delays.


You can focus more time and attention on buyers who have a real interest in the property. Saving time for yourself and the buyer can benefit your real estate business in the long run. You can provide ease and convenience for your buyers while spending more time on closing deals!




Choosing virtual over physical staging services can provide you with more flexibility when it comes to staging each property.


With physical staging, you could feel limited when it comes to choosing one design style or aesthetic. On the other hand, with virtual staging, you can make changes based on your buyer. You can showcase a single home in a variety of styles and designs to appeal to different preferences.


Making adjustments to appeal to a buyer's distinct preferences could help you make faster sales. 


Meanwhile, you'll have the chance to showcase each property's true potential. You can show potential buyers different furniture options instead of empty spaces. They'll have an easier time imagining different decor options, which could help them recognize the home of their dreams. 




Virtual staging is more cost-effective than physical staging as well. 


The typical price for home staging costs between $625 and $2,529. Renting furniture could cost as much as $6,000 or more. Meanwhile, hiring a professional for an initial two-hour consultation could run between $150 and $600.


Staging a home can even help you boost the asking price. In fact, staged homes sold for $40,000 over the list price in 2021.


You don't have to waste time, money, or energy purchasing paint, furniture, and other decor items. Instead, consider virtual staging as part of your real estate marketing strategy for this year. You can make cost-effective decor choices without limiting your options. 


You can sell homes for more, faster than you ever had before. Then, you can move on to help even more clients each year, increasing your overall revenue. 


Remember, staging each property to appeal to specific buyers can also help you attract ideal customers. Showing your clients exactly what they want can help you encourage them to make a purchase. You can impress them with a beautifully staged home, boost the listing price, and set your real estate business up for success. 


Increased Online Presence


If you don't have a digital real estate marketing strategy yet, virtual staging can help you take the first step.


As part of your real estate marketing strategy, consider using:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  • Social media marketing


These three marketing strategies can help you attract potential buyers to your website. As you generate more website traffic, Google might boost your organic search rankings. Higher rankings will help you appear in front of even more potential buyers. 


You can optimize your virtually staged photos for SEO. SEO involves tactics that boost your website's rankings on search engines. Improving your rankings will help you appear ahead of competing real estate agents.


Then, you can start generating more brand awareness and website traffic.


You can also use your virtually staged photos in your PPC ads. When someone clicks on your ad, they'll reach your website. Then, they can learn more about the listing before contacting you for a tour.


Consider using your virtually staged photos on social media, too. You can show off the listing, attract potential buyers, and sell with a little less stress!




You could scare away a potential buyer if the home is full of clutter.


Clutter doesn't always refer to trash. Sometimes, it can mean too many personal belongings. Personal belongings in listing photos can deter potential buyers.


Those buyers might struggle to imagine themselves living in that home if they see someone else's possessions.


Clutter can also refer to unsightly decor items or furniture. Again, the buyer might struggle to picture themselves living in that space. 


With virtual staging, you can get rid of the clutter without wasting valuable time and energy. Instead, a few clicks of a button can get the job done! Then, you can use your stunning new photos to enhance your marketing strategy. 


Social Distancing


After COVID-19, some individuals still aren't interested in touring another person's home. Sellers aren't interested in having unnecessary foot traffic in their homes, either. With virtual staging, you can provide a solution for both parties.


Staging allows buyers and sellers the freedom to socially distance. You can minimize the need for in-person showings, again saving yourself time and stress.


Buyers will have an easier time visualizing themselves living in a specific property without touring in person. They can also use virtual staging to experiment with different possibilities for each living space. 


Improved Exteriors


Staging isn't only for home interiors. You can also use it to enhance a home's exterior.


Unfortunately, exterior staging is sometimes expensive and time-consuming, especially if there are landscaping issues. Other forms of exterior staging include painting, residing, updating shutters, and more. Each exterior update can cause additional delays if you're trying to sell the property.


You might need to use these tips for marketing a fixer-upper if the house requires a laundry list of repairs. 


Instead, turn to virtual staging to update the home's exterior. You can try different coats of paint, different window treatments, and landscaping options in a single sitting.


You can even change the color of the sky from a dreary day to a stunning sunset.


Each change you make to the photo could help you attract another potential buyer. 


Less Stress


As a real estate agent, you have several responsibilities you need to juggle every day. Waiting until a home is physically staged to post the listing and schedule tours can add to your stress load. Instead, make life a little easier for yourself by choosing virtual options this year.


Virtual staging is less disruptive to your already busy schedule.


You won't have to worry about contract workers making repairs, noise, and messes. You won't have to schedule a consultation for physical staging services, then have them return to get the job done. There's no waiting for furniture or decor deliveries, either.


Instead, you can rely on virtual staging services as a source of ease and convenience.


If you decide a certain aesthetic isn't working, you can make changes within a few hours. You won't have to waste time and money on ineffective choices. Instead, you can make the adjustments you need to attract buyers. 


Stand Out


Choosing to virtually stage your listings can also help you stand apart from other real estate agents.


Remember, potential buyers are looking for real estate listings online. Many people don't want to schedule in-person tours. Your potential buyers might decide to choose you as their agent if they recognize you post virtually staged listing photos.


Start Using Virtual Staging for Marketing Real Estate Listings Today


Don't miss the opportunity to close more listings this year. Instead, consider these benefits of virtual staging to market your real estate listings. With stunning photos, you can stand apart from competitors, attract new buyers, and save money.


Consider experiencing the benefits of effective marketing with virtual staging services today. 


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Discover your competitive edge by using the latest technologies to enhance your listings today!