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What to Ask Your Real Estate Photographer

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What to Ask Your Real Estate Photographer

Imagine you're looking to buy a home and find one in the right neighborhood. However, the listing doesn't include any good photos, so you move along to something else.


Buyers do this all the time, so you need to include excellent photos to help attract people. Fortunately, a real estate photographer can help, but you need to ask them the right questions.

Read on to learn what to ask a photographer.


Can I See Your Portfolio?


One of the most important questions to ask a real estate photographer is for their portfolio. If they can't show you everything, ask to see some examples of their best work.


Ask for examples of larger, more open homes as well as smaller homes. That way, you can get a good idea of whether the photographer will help you with your current listings and any future listings you take on.


Some photographers have an online portfolio on their website. Others may have a PDF or other digital file to send you, while some might still carry around a standard print portfolio.


Can You Give Me References From Past Clients?


Even if you like someone's real estate photography style, you should ask for references. Being able to talk to past clients can help you learn more about the photographer's process.


You can also figure out if the photographer is usually early, on time, or late. The photographer will want to put their best foot forward, but their other clients may have more to say regarding any issues.


Knowing what to expect can help you choose the best photographer for you. And you'll know of any possible problems before the day of the shoot, so you can prepare for them.


Do You Do This Full-Time?


With the rise of side hustles, you should ask someone if real estate photography is their main line of work. If it is, they'll be able to dedicate more time and resources to taking and editing photos.


Now, someone can still be a good professional photographer if it's a side hustle. However, they have other obligations that could extend the time it takes to edit your photos.


If you want to highlight your listing and get it up fast, you can't wait long for editing. So, you may want to choose a professional photographer who works in this field full-time.


Do You Have Insurance?


The next question to ask a real estate photographer is if they have insurance. A professional photographer should have some sort of insurance policy to protect them and you or anyone else who will be at the shoot.


They might also have insurance that covers their photography equipment. Ideally, the shoot would go smoothly, and you wouldn't have to worry about needing insurance.


However, you never know what might happen, and you want to prepare. Also, a photographer with insurance is a sign that they take their job seriously and care about their clients.


What's Your Turnaround Time?


Whether a photographer does their job full-time or not, you should ask about the turnaround time. As a real estate agent, you want to help your clients sell their homes quickly.


Having to wait weeks for a photographer to send you the photos can affect your goal. If you know your client wants to sell their house soon, you should hire someone who can edit and send the photos within a few days.


Also, ask if the turnaround time includes weekends and holidays. Then, you'll know when you can expect to update the listing so that it looks more appealing to buyers.


How Do You Edit Photos?


Another thing to ask a professional photographer is how they edit their photos. Consider what software they use and if they tend to use the same editing process for all images or if it varies.


That way, you and your client will know what to expect from the final product. You can also ask the photographer for proofs with light editing to make sure you like the style.


If possible, when reviewing their portfolio, ask to see photos before and after editing. Seeing the changes can help you picture what your final images will look like.


What Equipment Do You Use?


A new real estate photographer may use one camera and lens and rely on natural light. That may work for some rooms of the house or even for the full home.


However, you might need artificial lighting to help capture a room better on camera. Be sure you ask your photographer about their photography equipment.


Lighting is essential for a good photo, so it's the most important thing. But you may want to ask if they have a tripod they use or some other tool to stabilize their camera as they take photos.


Do You Have Video Experience?


Video is becoming even more vital to highlight your listing to help sell your client's home. Consider if a photographer can take videos of the individual rooms or do a virtual tour of the house.


That can help you attract more potential buyers who might not be able to visit the property. If a photographer offers video, ask them all of the same questions, such as for their portfolio and editing style.


You might not need videos to help sell a house, but they're a nice touch. Be sure to ask if the photographer can film or if they have someone else who can film videos.


Will You Take Aerial Photos?


Another crucial part of real estate photography is taking photos from different angles. Ask if a photographer can work with a drone to help capture things like an overhead view of the entire property.


Drones can help you show off the outside of the house. However, you might also use drones to take photos of the interior from near the ceiling to help capture more of the space.


That way, you can choose from the photos and list the images you and your client like the best.


What Planning Help Do You Offer?


Some photographers show up, set up their gear, and take photos. However, consider if you may want extra help cleaning up the rooms and designing the space for the shoot.


If so, ask your real estate photographer if they offer that assistance. Some may want to have a hand in designing the layout of the room for their photos.


Others might prefer to only focus on photography. That's fine, but it's good to know if you'll need to spend more time preparing the house before the shoot to better market the property.


How Many Photos Will I Receive?


The more photos you can share, the easier it will be for potential buyers to decide if they like a house. Then, you can get more tours and potential offers.


Be sure to ask a professional photographer how many photos they can provide. Some might offer different packages, each with a set number of photos, and they may let you buy more photos for an extra fee.


Consider if you'll receive enough photos to showcase the home well. Of course, you may need to pay for more photos when selling a larger house since there will be more rooms.


You should also ask if a photo package will include videos or if those are separate. That way, you can get the media that you need to highlight your listing.


How Much Do You Charge?


All of the other questions are great, but the answers may not matter if you can't afford a real estate photographer. Be sure to ask someone about their rates.


Consider if they charge per hour or if they have a package rate that includes the photoshoot and editing process. You should also learn how many images they'll include and if they charge extra for another round of editing.


Be sure to look at your business budget to help determine how much you can pay. Of course, you can account for the cost in your commission for the sale.


A lot can go into the pricing, from the services and images you receive to your location. The photographer's experience and whether they have a team to help them can also affect the cost.


What's the Payment Schedule?


Finally, you'll want to know when to pay the photographer. Some will expect full payment upfront, so you'll pay before they show up for the photo shoot.


Others might charge a deposit and then charge you the remainder when they deliver the images. If you're tight on cash, you may want to hire someone who only requires a deposit for now.


That way, you can save a bit of cash to cover the rest of the bill later. Or you might ask if a photographer takes a payment plan so that you can spread out the cost over a few months.


Hire a Real Estate Photographer Today


If you want to help your clients make their homes look great, you should consider hiring a real estate photographer. However, you'll want to ask the professional some questions.


That way, you can learn if they'll offer the services and image quality you need. If so, you'll know they're the best photographer for you and your real estate clients.


Are you ready to hire a good photographer today? Learn about our services and contact us to get started.