10 Home Staging Tips to Help You Sell Your Home Faster

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10 Home Staging Tips to Help You Sell Your Home Faster

According to the last quarter of 2022, the median sale price of a home in the US was $467,700. 


But how can you receive top dollar for your home? Staging your home is a simple, cost-effective way of ensuring your home stands out amongst the competition. 


Don't worry if home staging seems daunting. This guide offers plenty of home staging tips every realtor and homeowner needs to know.


Let's begin!


What Is Home Staging?


Staging your home is essential when listing your home for sale. Whether you're having individual buyers view your home or preparing your house for a virtual home tour, staging helps prospective buyers envision themselves within your home. 


This means you may have to redecorate, declutter, and rearrange some furniture and items to make your house look its best. Your goal is to make it as aesthetically pleasing as possible, attracting plenty of attention during an open house. 


Home staging includes your home's interior and exterior. The entire process is designed to make your home attractive to a wide array of buyers. You can opt for DIY home staging or hire a professional to stage your house. 


Why Should You Stage a Home?


When you stage your house, you're "cleaning the slate" for prospective buyers. Removing clutter and personal photographs allows potential buyers to see themselves in your home. 


It's been reported that when you stage a home, you may see an 8-10% ROI. Additionally, staged homes are on the market for 73% less time than homes that aren't staged. You may even see a 1-10% increase in your sale price. 


Staged homes appear move-in ready, showing buyers that your house won't require much -if any- work. Staged houses also present better in photos, making it easier to market your property, so long as you follow the best home staging tips. 


1. Clean Your House


When you clean your house, you're communicating to prospective buyers that you care for and maintain your home. Clean your house from top to bottom, including ceilings, floors, windows, bathrooms, kitchens, and everything in between. 


For older, outdated kitchen appliances, ensure they're spotless. Clean your bathroom tub's grout, the sink drain, and your toilet. Make everything look brand new. 


Remove Clutter


Clutter distracts buyers while they're looking at your home and makes it appear smaller. A clutter-free house shows prospective buyers the extra space your home features and helps them envision themselves living in your house.


You can use this as an opportunity to donate items you no longer need, benefitting the community around you while clearing your house of clutter. You can also store items in your garage or attic.


Look to pack away games, papers, magazines, and trinkets, and throw out old food boxes and containers. If you have children, put away toys and keep your house as organized looking as possible. 


Remove Personalized Photos


Buyers look to picture themselves in your house, and photos of your family make it difficult for them to do so. Temporarily remove family photos and replace them with neutral pictures. You should also keep clothes tucked away, along with bathroom items that are personal and specific to you and your family. 


2. Keep Your House Smelling Fresh


Do your best to eliminate odors, especially if you have pets. You may want to invest in professional carpet shampooing services to remove smells and odors. You can also bake cookies or cinnamon apples or use scented plug-ins to mask odors. 


You should also bring in fresh plants to make your home feel welcoming and inviting. Place plants throughout your home instead of gathering them all in one area, as this may appear overwhelming. 


3. Purposeful Rooms


Each room in your house should have a specifically defined purpose. You want buyers to see how your home's square footage can be fully maximized, so clearly represent each room. 


Do you have a finished basement? Turn a section of it into a home office so buyers can see its potential.


Junk rooms used for storage can easily transform into guest rooms. You want every inch of your home to present as usable space. 


4. Paint Your Home


If you have wallpaper in your house, it's a good idea to remove it. Opt for a fresh coat of paint in a neutral color. Don't paint over wallpaper. 


Look for warm neutrals, as stark white walls may feel too cold for prospective buyers. And avoid bold, bright colors, as they may be too taste-specific. 


5. Invest in New Flooring


Are your carpets faded and stained? Do you have outdated linoleum? Invest in new flooring.


You can find affordable manufactured wood floors that "float" over your existing flooring. You can also rip up and replace the carpet in an afternoon, installing a fresh layer to help draw in prospective buyers. 


If you have a limited budget, invest in your kitchen, living room, and dining room for new flooring. 


6. Natural Light


Natural light is an excellent addition to your staged home, and it's as simple as opening your curtains. If you need to add light fixtures, you can do so for a modest price.


Always turn on lights in closets to make your home more appealing. This also saves prospective buyers from searching for light switches. 


If you like the light fixtures in your house, be sure to dust them so they look fresh, clean, and new.


7. Scale Back With Furniture


Too much furniture makes your home look cluttered. It also makes a space look and feel small. 


However, if you don't have enough furniture, your house may feel cold and unwelcoming. 


Avoid staging your house with cheap furniture. Consider renting furniture while your house is on the market. Always opt for tidy, inviting furniture, and add some throw pillows for aesthetics. 


Be sure to arrange your furniture to maximize space from room to room. Ensure seating is arranged in a way that allows for comfortable conversations to take place. 


8. Repair Cracks in Walls and Ceilings


Do you have cracks in your walls and ceilings? If so, now is the time to repair them. This may appear to buyers as foundation issues, when in fact it's nothing more than old, outdated paint. 


However, should your house have foundation problems, they will be found upon inspection, so it's best to resolve all issues before listing your home. If your foundation is cracked but a home inspector assures you it's sound, repair the cracks so it looks pleasing to the eye and doesn't send up any unnecessary red flags to prospective buyers. 


9. Clean Up Your Home's Exterior


Part of home staging is curb appeal, and this includes your home's exterior. The outside of your home is the first thing buyers see and makes a lasting impact on their overall impression of your home. 


Keep your lawn mowed, shrubs trimmed, and plants pruned and cared for. You may want to add a layer of mulch to help your landscaping stand out, and consider lining your walkway with lights. 


You should also power wash your home, helping its exterior look fresh and new. 


If you have a sidewalk to your front door, remove clutter from it and ensure it's easy to navigate. Purchase new doormats for your front and back doors and set up an inviting exterior space on your patio by purchasing or renting comfortable inviting furniture. You can even purchase a firepit to showcase all the ways you maximize outdoor space.  


10. Last-Minute Home Staging Touches


Before you show your home, look for last-minute finishing touches. You may want to purchase fresh flowers for vases, helping to mask any odors while creating a fresh, inviting look. 


Be sure to dust and vacuum your home and remove clutter from countertops. Ensure your sink is clean and that dirty dishes are away.


Open windows for ten minutes to draw in the fresh air and consider lighting a few candles with soft fragrances. You should also add new towels to your bathroom and kitchen for a plush appearance. 


Follow These Home Staging Tips


Now that you know the best way to stage a home, be sure to follow these home staging tips. Always remove clutter, consider a fresh coat of paint, and don't neglect your home's exterior. You should also consider new flooring if your carpets are old and worn out. 


Hommati can help with everything from guided tours to virtual enhancements when staging your home. Check out our 3D tours today. We'll also help you connect with the perfect real estate agent or find homes for sale.