How Professional Photography Can Help You Sell Your Home Faster

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How Professional Photography Can Help You Sell Your Home Faster

Whether you're a real estate agent looking to give your client the best experience possible or a homeowner selling your own home, it's time to consider professional photography.


A recent survey found that professional real estate photography leads to faster sales at an average rate of 32%. A fast sale is crucial, as any good real estate agent will warn you that the longer a home sits on the market, the harder it is to sell. 


The question is, why does professional real estate photography have such a profound impact? What makes clear, high-definition photos more appealing to buyers?


We're here to tell you. Read on to learn why hiring a professional to handle your real estate photography can lead to a faster sale.


Buyers Are Online


During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the real estate market underwent several changes, particularly in the ways that sellers reached buyers. Because home tours and open houses were off-limits, agents and sellers turned to the internet as their primary opportunity to make a first impression.


Now, in-person marketing tactics are an option again. However, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't put as much emphasis on your online listings as you would have a few years ago. Almost 100% of buyers use online tools during the buying process.


In other words, your listing is likely to make the first impression. Photography is a crucial part of the impression you make, and high-quality photography is most likely to inspire confidence in buyers.


Buyers Prefer High-Quality Photos


It's tempting to whip out your iPhone and start snapping photos on your own. After all, buyers just want to see photos of the house regardless of quality, right? Wrong.


Marketing experts will be the first to tell you that the quality of your product photography makes a huge difference. An estimated 67% of consumers are more likely to consider or purchase a product if the pictures they see of that product are high in quality.


Quality isn't just about the clarity of the image. It's also about lighting and visual balance. It's about the emotions a photo evokes and the story it tells, something that a professional photographer will understand while capturing images of your property.


Photography Sparks the Buyer's Imagination


For a buyer to consider buying a home, they have to imagine themselves living in it. That can mean noting the desirable features of the property or visualizing their furniture inside each room. That can mean discovering that a property checks a lot of boxes on their must-have list. 


Remember, many buyers will see your home online before they see it in person. In order to get them to take the next step of reaching out for a tour, you need to spark their imagination. While floor plans and property descriptions are useful, photography outranks all other listing features as the most useful and important element of an online listing. 


Professional photographers can bring your listing photos to life by capturing the depth, scale, and unique features of each room. This makes it much easier for buyers to begin the process of imagining what their lives would look like in your home.


Professional Photography Highlights Best Features


Without professional experience, you likely won't know the tips and tricks to take the most flattering photos of your property. You may also feel compelled to take a quick, single shot of each room and call it a day. Without an eye for detail and knowledge of real estate photography, you may overlook some of the property's best features.


Professional photographers know what kind of lighting it takes to show off your home. They also know that all of those incredible features, like the vaulted ceilings or restored antique mantels, deserve a spotlight in your listing.


Yes, buyers want a sense of how a property would practically function for them. However, it is often those unique or defining features that seal the deal. A professional photographer will capture the beauty of your property and make your listing photos shine. 


Professionals Avoid Common Mistakes


Amateur photographers or DIY sellers are bound to make some photography mistakes. They may not remove clutter from a room before the shoot. They may take photos at night, rather than during the day when natural light is abundant.


These kinds of mistakes may seem minor. You might assume that a buyer will overlook the pile of boxes in the corner or imagine that during the day, your property is flooded with natural light. The truth is that these common mistakes can lead your property to sit on the market longer and receive less attention. 


A professional photographer won't make these common mistakes. They'll use the right lenses and lighting equipment to make sure that your photos are consistent. They'll also make sure that no unwanted distractions are marring the finished product. 


Professionals Don't Over-Edit 


If you've ever browsed real estate listings, you may have noticed some off-putting edits in amateur real estate photography. For example, the photos may look oversaturated and unnaturally bright. They may have "high definition" filters on them that produce an uncanny or pixelated quality.


Professional photographers take photos that don't require a ton of editing, to begin with. By using high-end equipment, the photos are sharp and precise before editing begins. 


Any edits a professional photographer does apply will go unnoticed by the naked eye. These subtle edits will serve to enhance the photos, rather than turning them into something unrecognizable or unsightly.


Professional Photography Saves Time and Money


Why do a small percentage of real estate agents skip professional photography? Chances are, the assumption is that it will save money. The truth is that hiring a professional photographer can save both money and time.


When you hire a professional photographer, you don't have to invest in the equipment. You also don't have to spend time and money learning how to take and edit photos. Finally, you don't have to spend time taking the photos, which frees you up to focus on other aspects of selling the property.


Plus, professional photography is a sound investment in real estate. As we've demonstrated already, it can sell your house faster and at a higher price. Oftentimes, what you spend on a real estate photographer is covered by this increase in property value


Amateur Photography Isn't Competitive Enough


As we move into 2023, the real estate market is on the cusp of some major changes. After a pandemic-fueled seller's market, we're starting to see the scales tip as buyers become more hesitant in the face of high-interest rates and the inventory of available properties starts to grow. In other words, things could get less competitive for buyers and more competitive for sellers.


If you're not using professional photography for your listing, you're not on par with the vast majority of your competition. A recent survey found that 72% of real estate agents use professional photography for every listing. Another 17% use professional photography under specific circumstances.


Only 7% responded that they always shoot their own listings. That means that amateur photography is going to make your listing stand out, but not in a desirable way. Make sure that you're meeting and exceeding the standards of most real estate agents, or your property won't stand up to the competition.


Professional Photographers May Offer Additional Services


These days, photography isn't the only thing you can use to enhance your listing. More high-end agents are opting for additional visual aids, like drone photography and 3D virtual home tours.


These additional services only serve to further improve the power of your listing. In fact, they can even improve your track record as a real estate agent. One survey found that 80% of sellers would consider switching to a real estate agent that secured 3D virtual home tours for client listings. 


Before booking a professional real estate photographer, find out what other marketing services they offer. Investing in these new services can lead to an even faster sale than professional photography, alone.


Come to Hommati for Your Professional Photography and More


Are you ready to step up your home selling game? Whether you're a real estate agent or you're selling your own home, you're in the right place. Hommati has the services, listing tools, and real estate agent guides you need to find the perfect buyer for your property.


To find out more about how Hommati can help, contact us today. Otherwise, take another look at our agent services and sign up for your own Hommati account.