The Benefits of Drone Footage for Your Property Video

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The Benefits of Drone Footage for Your Property Video

About 45% of realtors have a bachelor's or graduate degree, with 18% having their license for a year or less. There is a huge amount of competition, and it can be hard to stand out.

With so many real estate agents available, clients have a lot of options when selling a home. If you want to stand out, you have to use modern marketing techniques.

Drone footage is becoming a popular option that immediately catches people's attention. This type of video makes your listings stand out to potential buyers.

Keep reading to find out more about using drone footage for your property video.

Full Property View

The most obvious benefit of drone footage is the complete view that it gives. Unlike photographs or regular property videos, drone footage captures the entire property.

Potential buyers will get a bird's eye view from the surrounding property to the home itself. This perspective is eye-catching and can make the property look better.

It also allows you to film different angles to highlight the best aspects of the property. This could include anything from architectural details to beautiful landscapes.

Photographs can often feel a bit flat and may provide the best experience for viewing the exterior and surrounding area of a property . Drone footage feels inclusive as the viewer is taken around the property.

This allows the viewer to feel like they are right there looking over the landscape.

Broader Audience

Using drones to capture property footage also allows you to reach a broader audience. This is still a relatively new option that realtors are using, making it stand out more.

People are amazed by drone videos and love the perspective that it provides. Even those who aren’t looking to buy a home may want to watch this footage to enjoy the view.

It is also shown that the use of drones results in more clicks and shares. More people will look at this listing and are more likely to send it to someone else, creating a broader reach.

This improves your global audience and opens the listing up to more potential buyers. This exposure can also help you expand your reputation and that sets you apart from the competition.

Competitive Edge

As we have discussed, the world of real estate agents is quite crowded. This is a popular career choice that more people are choosing each year.

Because of this, you have to stay up-to-date and enhance how you work. The same marketing tactics that used to work may not work as effectively as they used to.

One way to stay ahead of the competition is to use modern technology to market your listings. The most popular is using drone footage, since many realtors have yet to incorporate this into their practice.

People are more likely to trust you since drone footage is considered to be more accurate. Potential buyers trust footage more than they do photographs, which can't show the views like drone videos.

Drone videos even have the potential to go viral as people share them. Many people are interested in drone footage, even if they aren’t necessarily shopping for a home.

Getting your name out there is always a good idea since it promotes your work. The more online presence you have, the better your chances are for growing your clientele.

Saves Money and Time

Believe it or not, drones are a great way to save money and time. Most realtors have to depend on photography, which can sometimes be tricky to accomplish.

You have to hire a high-quality photographer, and it can take considerable time to photograph the property if the property includes a lot of land. Time also has to be dedicated to editing these photos to make sure they are clear and show the entire the property.

The initial investment of purchasing or renting a drone may seem much more significant. Choosing a company like Hommati that offers aerial drone services in addition to photography is a great way to save money and time. 

You can capture footage of the entire property in just an hour or so with very minimal editing. This also creates more impressive footage that stands out far more than photographs.

Accurate Viewpoint

One of the most common complaints among those buying a home is the photographs. Hard as you may try, photographs sometimes are not very realistic.

There is only so much you can do with a photograph, and they don’t always highlight the property. They may make the front yard look larger or smaller than it is.

Inaccurate photographs can result in potential buyers losing interest in the home. They may expect the home to be larger than it is when in reality, it was the perspective of the photograph.

Drone footage is more reliable at really capturing how the property looks. People are more likely to trust it since footage cannot be edited as much as photos can.

The more accurate the representation of the property, the happier potential buyers will be when they arrive for an in person showing. This also increases your trustworthiness within the community that you serve.

Less Disturbance

One benefit of using drones is that they won’t disturb homeowners as much. Drones film from the sky and are not going to be in the way if the homeowners are still living in the home.

Drones are also less disturbing to natural wildlife or neighbors that may be nearby. This can be especially useful for properties in the country where you don’t want to disturb others.

Safer to Film

Something that many realtors don’t consider is how dangerous photography can be. Depending on the property, photographers may not want to go to certain areas to take photos.

They may not be physically able or feel comfortable going into a wooded area or by a stream. This is especially common for country properties where a lot of land needs to be photographed.

It can be hazardous to photograph all of these areas for potential buyers. Drone footage does this for you and does not put anyone at risk.

What Kinds of Listing Benefit From Drone Footage?

One concern that you may have is whether property videos are useful for all listings. You may not want to make this investment if you can’t get your money's worth out of it.

The reality is that using drones is a great option for the majority of properties. Whether the home is small or large, this is a great way to provide a bird's eye view of the home.

This is an ideal option for properties with a lot of surrounding land. This can be almost impossible to photograph in a way that captures the attention of the viewer.

Drone footage highlights the landscape and makes that a focal point. That can help you to attract potential buyers interested in investing in a large piece of property.

That being said, even homes situated on small pieces of property can benefit from drone video. This can highlight the best aspects of the property and encourage more buyers to look at it.

Does Drone Footage Benefit the Client?

Depending on your client, they may not be convinced about using drones for their home. This is understandable since many people have never used this kind of technology.

The reality is that this kind of footage provides a long list of benefits for the homeowner. If they want to sell their home quickly, this marketing tool is going to help them accomplish this.

It is also the best way to highlight their property in the best light. Most homeowners want to capture the best aspects of their home so that they can get the best price.

The more people interested in the home, the greater their chances are of getting a higher price. These are all things that drone footage can help you to accomplish on behalf of your clients.

Why You Should Use Drone Footage as a Realtor

If you want to promote your brand and gain more clients, you may want to consider drone footage. This is a modern marketing tool that more real estate agents are taking advantage of.

Do you want to learn more about standing out as a realtor? Contact us today at Hommati for real estate visual services.