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Best Practices for Selecting a Real Estate Photographer

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Best Practices for Selecting a Real Estate Photographer

About 76% of homebuyers used a mobile search device in their home searching journey. If you want to sell a home fast in this fast-paced digital era, your visuals must be on point.


Photos are essential in real estate marketing. Buyers can take a peek inside your property at any time from anywhere. It’s like having a virtual open house.


As a property investor or seller, you shouldn't underestimate the power of having professional photos for your real estate listing. This is where a real estate photographer comes in.


Finding the right real estate photographer can help boost your sales. Below is a comprehensive guide on the best practices for selecting one that can do the job well.


Check Their Experience


When speaking with a photographer, start by inquiring about their experience in real estate photography. Don't know how to start? Here are some great questions to ask them:

  • How long have you been working as a real estate photographer?
  • What kind of properties do you photograph?
  • Have you worked with real estate agents or companies before?
  • Can you show me samples of your previous work in real estate photography?


These questions will help you understand the photographer's expertise in real estate photography. A qualified real estate photographer will understand the unique requirements of this type of photography, such as the need for wide-angle shots.


They should also be familiar with working with agents or companies. Additionally, they should know the importance of delivering high-quality images on time.


Review Their Portfolio


Before you hire a real estate photographer, check out their portfolio. While most photographers have online portfolios, others may still have traditional portfolios. Ensure you review both portfolios.


Real estate photography has a general style. But some photographers often add their style to their work. Check if the photographer's style matches your preferences and vision.


When checking the portfolio, assess the quality and composition of the photos. Look for the overall aesthetic and make sure it's consistent. Search for images that show attention to detail, such as showcasing unique features of the property.


In addition, look for real estate photos of the same property type you want to market. For instance, if you sell luxury homes, make sure to evaluate pictures of luxury homes in the portfolio.


Assess Their Photography Equipment


Photography equipment can impact the quality of photos you get. When looking for a professional photographer, check if they have the right equipment. Here are some essential pieces of equipment they should have:


Quality Camera


high-quality DSLR camera with interchangeable lenses should be a must-have. It gives the photographer the flexibility to capture the best possible shots of the property. Ensure the photographer has a camera with at least 24 megapixels and a full-frame sensor for the best image quality.


Wide-Angle Lens


If you want to capture the full scope of your property—including large rooms and outdoor spaces— your photographer should have a wide-angle lens. A 16-35mm or 10-22mm lens is ideal for real estate photography.


External Flash or Lighting Equipment


Depending on the lighting conditions of the property, you may need a photographer with additional lighting equipment. It will help ensure your photos are well-lit and show the property in its best light.


Post-Processing Software


Good photo-editing software like Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop is essential. They will help you enhance and edit your images to make them look their best.




It helps keep the camera steady to capture sharp, well-composed shots. A tripod may be helpful for the photographer, but not necessary.




If you want to capture aerial shots of your property and its surroundings, you may need to find a photographer that specializes in drone photography.


Investing in a photographer with high-quality equipment will allow you to produce stunning images. This will help you stand out in the real estate photography market.


Look for Good Technical Skills


Good technical skills are essential in real estate photography. They will ensure your photos are well-exposed, sharp, and have good color balance. The real estate photographer you choose to hire should have the following technical skills:

  • Knowledge of photography equipment: They should know how to operate different types of cameras, lenses, lighting equipment, and accessories
  • Understanding of lighting: They must know how to use natural and artificial light to create different moods and atmospheres in your images
  • Composition skills: The real estate photographer should be able to identify the best angles and positions to capture your property's unique features


Ask About Their Real Estate Photography Techniques


If you are looking for a photographer to capture real estate photos, it's a good idea to inquire about their techniques in their specialty. The real estate photographer you interview should be familiar with different techniques, such as:


HDR (High Dynamic Range) Photography


This technique involves capturing multiple photos of the same scene at different exposures and combining them to create a single image with a greater dynamic range.


Your photographer should know how to use HDR to capture interior shots of a property with windows that let in a lot of natural light. It will help allow for a more balanced exposure and better representation of the image's bright and dark areas.




The real estate photographer should be able to take multiple shots at different exposures. But unlike HDR, each image is used separately to capture a specific range of brightness. This will help them select the best picture for each section of the image and combine them into a final product with optimal exposure.


Virtual Staging


It's beneficial to hire a photographer that offers virtual staging techniques. This is a cost-effective and efficient way to showcase a property and help potential buyers to envision themselves living in the space.


The real estate photographer you choose should understand these techniques. It will help them create high-quality images that accurately showcase your property's features and potential.


Discuss Their Availability and Turnaround Time


Question the photographer about their availability and turnaround time. When discussing availability, you should ask the photographer if they are available on the dates and times that work best for you. Inquire if they have any scheduling conflicts that can interfere with the shoot.


It is also a good idea to ask the photographer if they are willing to work around any special requirements that you may have.


Regarding turnaround time, ask the real estate photographer how long it may take them to deliver the final photos. Make sure you discuss any specific deadlines that you may have to ensure that the photographer can meet your needs.


Discuss the Editing Process


Any photo that comes straight from the camera isn't the finished image. Editing is vital if you need premium real estate photos.


Ask the photographer about their post-processing techniques. It will help you understand their approach to editing and what you can expect from the final images. Other questions about editing you can discuss include:

  • What software do you use for post-processing, and why do you prefer it?
  • What types of edits will they do to the photos?
  • Can you walk me through your typical editing process for your photo shoot?
  • How do you approach color correction and white balance adjustments in your editing process?
  • How do you handle exposure and contrast adjustments in your editing process?
  • Do you offer retouching or other advanced editing services?
  • How long does it typically take you to complete post-processing for a photo shoot?
  • Can you show me examples of before and after images to demonstrate your editing?


This will help you understand what to expect and ensure you’re satisfied with the final results.


Read Reviews and Testimonials


Check online reviews and testimonials from previous clients to understand the real estate photographer's work. Also, look for reviews beyond the photographer's website.


Assess reviews on independent review websites such as Yelp, Google Reviews, and Facebook. It will give you a good idea of the photographer's experience.


Contact previous clients to ask about their experience with the real estate photographer if possible. This can give you more detailed information about their work ethic, helping you make a more informed decision.


Discuss Pricing and Any Additional Fees


When hiring a real estate photographer, discussing pricing and additional fees upfront is essential to avoid any surprises later. Pricing structures can vary depending on the:

  • Photographer’s experience
  • Type of photography service being offered
  • Geographic location


Some photographers may charge a flat rate for their services, while others charge by the hour. Clarify the pricing structure with the photographer before hiring them, so there are no misunderstandings later.


Discuss any additional fees that may be incurred besides the base fee. For instance, if the photo shoot takes place outside the photographer's area, they may charge extra for travel expenses such as gas, lodging, or airfare.


Hire a Qualified Real Estate Photographer


When looking for the best real estate photographer, communication is vital. High-quality photos can help you sell your property.


At Hommati, we're your one-stop shop for all your real estate visual services. So, if you want to sell a property fast, get in touch to learn more.