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How to Make Your Real Estate Photos Stand Out From the Crowd

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How to Make Your Real Estate Photos Stand Out From the Crowd

Real estate listings with professionally taken photos sell 32% faster. However, we know that not all agents and sellers can afford high-quality photos of their properties. Real estate photography is often a luxury. 


Whether you’re a real estate agent or a seller you likely know how important it is to have great photos of your properties. After all, potential buyers are going to be judging your listings based on the photos alone, so you must make them stand out from the crowd. 


Luckily, there are a few things you can do to improve your photography skills and make your real estate photos look amazing. Keep reading for some on how to enhance your real estate photography skills.


The Importance of Real Estate Photography in Today’s Market


Before we dive into some professional photography tips for your real estate listings, you must understand just how important these photos are.


The visual appeal of a property is more important than ever in today’s market. The same study linked above also revealed that in 2020, 63% of homebuyers purchased a property based on a virtual tour alone.


Simply put, the right photos can attract potential buyers and help them visualize the property as their future home, they can help your listings look more polished and inviting, and they can also be a valuable marketing tool. 


Potential buyers are often drawn to listings with beautiful photos, and they’re more likely to remember a listing that looks great in pictures. They can also highlight the best features of the property and downplay any flaws. 


In a competitive market, real estate photography can be the difference between a successful sale and a listing that languishes on the market.


How to Make Your Real Estate Photos Stand Out


If you're not a professional photographer then don’t worry. There are still plenty of things you can do to make your real estate photos stand out from the crowd. Here are a few top tips on how to improve your real estate photography skills.


Use the Right Photography Equipment


When it comes to real estate photography, there are a few key pieces of equipment that can make a big difference in the quality of your photos.


If you're just starting, then it’s a good idea to invest in a DSLR camera with a wide-angle lens. This combo will let you capture a lot of detail in each scene. 


If you're looking to get more professional results, then you might want to invest in a full-frame DSLR camera and a flash. 


This setup will let you take advantage of low-light situations and create more depth in your photos, which is essential for capturing the size and scale of a property. A tripod will also help keep your shots steady and free from blur.  


You'll also need software that can help you edit and enhance your photos. For beginners to experts, it’s hard to beat Adobe Lightroom. Use presets if you have to in the beginning until you get the hang of things.


Keep an Eye on the Camera Settings


When taking real estate photos, it's important to use the correct camera settings. The aperture should be set to a narrow setting, around f/8, to ensure all rooms are in focus in the photo. 


The shutter speed should be set to a fast setting, such as 1/250th of a second. This will help to freeze any movement and prevent blur. Likewise, try to keep the ISO low, around 100 or 200. This will help to keep the image from being too grainy and to minimize noise. 


Finally, the white balance should be set to "auto" or "daylight." This will help to ensure that the colors in the photo are accurate and don’t misrepresent the listing.


Be Mindful of the Photo Composition


A well-composed photo can make the difference between a potential buyer taking a second look at your listing or quickly moving on.


To improve the composition of your photos, choose a focal point for the photo and make sure it is clear. Whether it is the front door, a patio, or a built-in feature, the viewer should be able to easily identify what they are meant to be looking at. 


Additionally, it helps to create a sense of space by including some empty negative space in the frame. This will help the viewer to better understand the size and layout of the property. 


Finally, pay close attention to details and remove any clutter from the scene. By following these simple tips, you can take photos that will help your real estate listings stand out from the crowd.


Use Natural Light as Much as Possible


Real estate photos are often taken with natural light, and for good reason. Natural light can help to make a space look more open and inviting, while also providing a clearer view of the property. 


This is especially important when trying to capture the details of a home, such as architectural features or landscaping. In addition, natural light can help to reduce shadows and create more even lighting throughout the photo. 


Add Touches of Color


Adding color to your real estate photos can make a big difference in how they are received by potential buyers. Studies have shown that people are more likely to remember photos that contain color. 


With so many properties on the market, adding a pop of color can make all the difference in catching a buyer's eye and sparking their interest. 


At the same time, it's important to use color tastefully and sparingly; too much can be overwhelming and end up turning people off. A few strategically placed items in bold hues can go a long way in making your real estate photos stand out from the rest.


Take Advantage of Virtual Staging


Virtual staging is a process of using computer-generated images to digitally furnish a vacant space. This technology is commonly used by real estate agents and businesses to enhance photos of vacant properties for marketing purposes. 


Virtual staging can be used to add furniture, decor, and other elements to a room to give it more character and appeal. For example, virtual staging can be used to change the layout of furniture in a room to make it appear more spacious.


Ultimately, virtual staging is a tool that can be used to enhance the photos of vacant properties and make them more appealing to potential buyers.


Choose the Best Primary Photo


When it comes to selling a house, presentation is everything. Potential buyers will form their first impressions of your home from the photos you include in your listing, so it's important to choose images that will showcase your property in its best light. 


The primary photo is the most important image in your listing, as it will be the first thing buyers see. As such, you'll want to select a photo that highlights the key features of your home.


If you have a stunning kitchen, for example, make sure to include a photo that shows it off. Likewise, if your home has a unique architectural feature, be sure to capture it in an eye-catching way.


Should You Incorporate Drone Footage?


Aside from our real estate photography tips, we often have agents and sellers ask us about whether or not aerial drone footage is useful or necessary. Our answer? Using drone photos in a real estate listing can have several benefits. 


Namely, drones can capture a property from a unique perspective, providing potential buyers with a better sense of the layout and size of the property. 


Additionally, drone photos can help to showcase the surrounding area, giving buyers a better sense of the neighborhood and nearby amenities. Overall, using drone photos in a real estate listing can be a helpful way to give potential buyers a more complete picture of the property.


What to Know About Virtual Photo Tours


virtual photo tour is a great way to show a property without having to physically be there. This benefits both you and potential buyers, allowing them to tour the place on their mobile devices from the comfort of their homes or office.


By giving potential customers a realistic preview of what they can expect, you can increase the chances of turning them into paying customers. 


Creating a virtual photo tour isn’t as simple as snapping high-quality photos of a home, though. If you’re interested in upgrading the experience to a 3D photo tour, then we’d suggest leaving that to a professional company that specializes in real estate visual services.


Let the Experts Take Your Real Estate Photos


Whether you’re interested in professional real estate photography, virtual staging, or even aerial drone footage, Hommati offers top-notch real estate services that can help you present your properties in the best light possible.


With our years of experience in this industry, we know how to capture stunning images that will help you sell your home quickly and for top dollar. Contact us today to learn more about our services or get a free quote!