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Most Effective Real Estate Marketing Trends of 2023

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Most Effective Real Estate Marketing Trends of 2023

Did you know that there were over 683,000 homes sold in April of this year around the United States?


But how did that many homes sell with real estate being so expensive right now? Well, the listers most likely follow the right real estate marketing trends to ensure that they get a sale for their clients.


But what are those real estate marketing trends that you need to be aware of?


For starters, you should read this article to get a better grip on real estate marketing and ensure that you are doing your best to convert listings into sales.


Ready to start generating that real estate income you’ve been wanting? Read on to learn more!

Stay In Touch With Past Clients

In 2023, real estate marketing is all about your network and staying in contact with past clients.


This means that if you have helped someone buy or sell their house, you may want to continue to stay in touch with them. Don't overdo it—but about once per year could be a good amount of contact.


You can touch base to ask them how they are doing, if they plan to move any time soon, if they want help buying or selling, etc. This will keep the contact between you strong.


By staying in touch with past clients, you are building your client list rather than trying to only market to new clients. Staying in touch with past clients can also increase your likelihood of getting referrals.

Create a Presence on Social Media 

One of the best things you can do right now for real estate marketing (or any marketing for that matter) is to have a presence on social media.


By building up your presence on social media, you are going to be targeting your direct audience at all times.


So how do you do this in terms of real estate? What should you be focusing on?


Instagram and Facebook are always great platforms to use for marketing. You can take so many different photos for real estate marketing. You could even try taking aerial photos with a drone to show off the entire place.


While there are other social media outlets you can try, using Instagram and Facebook may be your best bet when you are starting out. There are currently over 2 billion active users, so you know you will have a large base to work with when you start posting on Instagram.


If you start to venture out, you may also want to consider using YouTube as your other form of social media. This will allow you to take longer videos and give you more exposure on this specific search engine.

Invest in Professional Photography and Videography 

Although you may want to try to save money and take photos of the property yourself, this is not going to give you the best bang for your buck.


You are going to be saving money in the short term, but you are not going to be making as much money as you could because the photos are not going to appeal to as many people. 


Not only are real estate photographers able to take some great photos, but they are also able to take videos that you can post for your listing and create 3D tours. This type of graphic design on your listing can give you a leg up with your sales and potential buyers or renters. 


Having professional videos is a way to get people more engaged. It is more interactive for those who like to feel that they are in a space rather than just looking at it. This is another great way to show off the place when you aren't able to give a showing or a tour to someone.


The last thing you want to do is skip this step! You will fall behind in the entire process and your property won't be as popular as it should be.

Go Green

More and more people are leaning toward only shopping with companies that are sustainable and energy efficient. This is why it is crucial if you are in real estate that you are marketing in a green way as well as showing off how the places that you are marketing are also green and environmentally friendly.


But how do you do this? One way is to put it in the listing so that people can read about it. Another way to show that you are green is to post this information on social media.


You could highlight areas of the home that are energy-efficient such as solar panels, appliances, and other eco-friendly materials that a consumer could be drawn to. 


You can also do this through email marketing. You can market what you are currently up to in the real estate world, homes for sale, and anything else you want to promote.


Not only are you showcasing what is green about the home itself, but you are also going green by marketing online rather than through print marketing.

Get More Online Reviews

If you want to make sure that you stand out in the real estate world, then you want to gather more online reviews from past clients and owners/renters.


People love to read positive reviews about things they plan to participate in. So, if someone wants to buy a house, reading reviews that say great things about real estate agents is needed.


And if you get any negative reviews, don't fret! Just keep working toward those positive reviews to outweigh them.


To get more of these reviews, you can ask past clients to write a review or a testimonial. Reviews are great to have on Google and other search engines. This can help people find your company when people are searching.


Testimonials are great to use on your website specifically (in the same way that online reviews are used on search engines).


This is good for when people navigate to your site—they know that you have clients that like your services and real estate based on testimonials.


Having both is the best of both worlds!

Virtual Reality 

Similar to having great photography and videography, virtual reality is a technology that is becoming increasingly popular in the real estate marketing realm. 


With virtual and augmented reality, potential buyers can take tours of the property before making a commitment. They cannot only see the actual property, but they can also mess around with design options and feel as if they are actually at the property.


Giving people the option to see themselves in a space can greatly increase their likelihood of buying because they can feel and visualize how the home could work for them and their lifestyle.

Invest in Educating Clients

While this may not be the first thing that stands out when it comes to what you should be doing, investing in the education of your clients can go a long way. 


This means that you are keeping up with what is going on in the real estate market world so that you can relay information to your potential clients. This could include information on the market itself and potential interest rates.


So how can you go about this?


You will want to have a team member tasked with staying up with what is going on in the market. This way, there can be a daily or weekly report that keeps you up to date so that you can relay information to potential clients. The more educated you are and seem, the more likely it is that you will have a potential buyer convert to a buyer.

Follow These Real Estate Marketing Trends

There are so many things going on in the real estate world. This is why it's crucial to follow real estate marketing trends. You will know what is happening at all times. 


You have to make sure that you are investing time and resources into content and digital marketing. This means utilizing social media, email marketing, and more online platforms. This will keep you relevant in today's ever-changing digital world.


Are you ready to make sure that your listing sells? Then we want to help you!


At Hommati, we have years of experience that sets us apart from the rest. Contact us to see how we can assist you.