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Why Drone Photography Is Important in Real Estate?

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Why Drone Photography Is Important in Real Estate?

Over 40% of home buyers search online before contacting a real estate agent. With a strong digital marketing strategy, you can stand out online. Consider adding drone photography to your real estate marketing strategy this year.


How can drone photos attract buyers to your property listing? Read on to discover how drone footage can benefit your real estate business this year. 


After reading this guide, you can determine if marketing with drone footage suits your needs. Discover the importance of drone photography in the real estate industry today!


Show Property Dimensions


It's sometimes difficult to showcase the dimensions of a property from a head-on point-of-view. Handheld cameras won't always provide potential buyers with the right perspective. Instead, consider using drone footage to capture the property's dimensions.


Drone photography will help you display spatial relationships more realistically.


For example, an overhead shot can help buyers determine:

  • How the garage, yard, and house relate to one another
  • How large the patio is compared to the yard
  • Nearby shopping centers, venues, etc.
  • Nearby lakes and other fixtures


Drone footage is also beneficial for larger properties, such as ranches. You can provide potential buyers with a better sense of the space on a grander scale.


Showing the property dimensions will help potential buyers manage their expectations before a tour. If head-on photos distort their perception, they might arrive only to feel disappointed. 


Highlight Features


If you want to highlight specific features, consider using drone footage to fully showcase the property.


For example, you might want to show off amenities like a solar-panel setup on the roof. Maybe you want buyers to recognize the roof was recently redone instead. Perhaps you want to show off the yard, pool, or other outdoor features.


Highlighting features with visuals can help you attract potential buyers to your listing.


Otherwise, the buyer might skim-read when reviewing your listing. They might not recognize the special features you're trying to highlight. If they don't notice the features they're searching for are available, they might move on.


You could miss the chance to schedule in-person tours as a result. 


Put the Property in Context


High-quality, professional drone images can help you showcase the property in a context that will impress your buyers. It could make certain details easier to recognize and digest as well.


For example, you might want to highlight the neighborhood's walkability. Drone footage can showcase nearby roads and walkways. Maybe there's a walking path through the woods near the property.


The buyer will have the ability to gather this information at a glance. They won't need to visit the property to understand the context.


Photos of the property head-on won't highlight these details. The buyer might have a more difficult time recognizing how the property aligns with their needs. 


They can even explore the neighborhood for potential eyesores that might reduce the property's value.  


Get Better Shots


A drone can get better shots of each property than a handheld camera.


For example, you might struggle to capture the property from every angle with your handheld camera. A drone can use a high-end lens to capture images at different focal lengths. It's then able to focus on little details that might attract buyers.


Before investing in drone photography, look for a company that can provide potential services. An experienced company will ensure your photos are high-quality and eye-catching. Then, you can use the images you gather to improve your overall marketing strategy.


Save Time


You don't have to perfect the skill of flying a drone and capturing images alone. Investing in drone photography services can save you valuable time.


Otherwise, the drone might crash if you're trying to capture images alone. After learning how to fly the drone, you'll also need to consider rotor calibration, firmware upgrades, GPS configuration, and more. The entire process can feel stressful if you're busy enough scheduling in-person tours or running your business.


You don't have to learn how to use a drone on your own. Instead, experience the benefits of using drone footage by hiring an experienced team for the job. 


Learn more about finding a company that specializes in drone real estate photography here.


Create a Virtual Tour


Remember, you can use drone photography to improve other areas of your marketing strategy. For example, you can use the drone footage you've captured to create virtual tours. Virtual tours allow potential buyers to explore the property from the comforts of their own homes.


Allowing buyers to explore the property from their computer can help you differentiate serious buyers from simply curious ones. After viewing the virtual tour, the buyer can contact you to schedule a tour in person.


Then, you can start spending more time and energy on buyers who are more likely to make a purchase.


Creating professional virtual tours will help you identify high-quality leads. You can start better prioritizing your time and energy as a result.


You can also use drone footage to create video content. 


About 90% of consumers rely on video content to decide whether to make a purchase. Videos lead to 49% faster revenue growth than other marketing strategies, too. In fact, over 80% of marketers say videos give them a positive ROI.


You can use your drone footage to create more video content, which can help you generate more leads.


Boost SEO Rankings


Search engine optimization (SEO) could help your property listing appear as a top result during an online search. When a potential buyer searches for nearby property listings, your listing could appear. Then, they can click on the link to your listing to learn more.


About 68% of all experiences online begin with a search engine. However, only 0.63% of Google users check results beyond the first page. SEO can help you attract more people to your online listing.


You can boost your search engine rankings by optimizing your listing with SEO. In fact, you can also optimize your drone photos for image searches.


Over 53% of all website traffic begins with a search. Meanwhile, over 92% of all global traffic comes from Google Search, Images, and Maps. If you want to generate more traffic to your listings, consider using SEO. 


You can improve your rankings to ensure your property listing appears at the top of a search engine results page (SERP). Higher rankings can help you generate traffic before other real estate agents get a chance. 


Capturing high-quality drone images can also help your photos stand out in image searches. As you generate more clicks, your click-through rate will improve. A higher clickthrough rate can boost your rankings.


Eventually, you'll reach the top of a SERP to generate traffic before any other local listing online. 


Stand Apart From Other Listings


If there's nothing eye-catching or unique about your listings, you'll struggle to attract potential buyers. They'll turn to a competing real estate business instead. Before that happens, consider marketing your listing with intriguing drone footage. 


The unique angles and stunning bird's eye view can help your listings stand out from the crowd.


You can also repurpose your drone footage for other marketing strategies. For example, you can feature your footage in digital ads for pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. Generating more clicks on your ads will attract more buyers to your listing. 


Potential buyers will begin to recognize you offer a value other real estate agents lack. They might decide to choose an up-and-coming agency over one that's falling behind.


Standing apart from other listings will help you book more in-person tours. You can get ahead of competitors to ensure your real estate agency's long-term growth. 


Engage Your Audience


The average person gets distracted every eight seconds. Meanwhile, 81% only skim online content. As a result, the majority of our communications are visual. 


Content with photos produces 650% more engagement than text-only posts.


Using drone photography can help you engage your target audience. Your target audience is already online, searching for listings. You can keep them engaged with your listing by using high-quality drone footage. 


Without drone photos, your listing might fail to attract attention. Potential buyers might turn their attention to another listing instead. With drone photos, however, you can make a strong first impression from the start.


Then, you can encourage potential buyers to learn more about the listing. The more they engage with the listing, the more likely they could fall in love with it. Then, you can use a strong, eye-catching call-to-action button to book tours and generate leads.


If you're struggling to engage your audience, consider updating your marketing strategy with drone footage this year. Help your property listing stand out and make a strong, compelling first impression.


New Heights: Start Using Drone Photography to Showcase Your Listings


Don't miss the opportunity to improve your real estate marketing strategy this year. Instead, consider using drone photography to enhance your listing. You can attract buyers to generate more leads and sales with drone footage.


Set your real estate agency up for success with drone footage today.


Eager to get started? We're here to help. 


Discover our agent services today.