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Benefits of Using Aerial Photography and Video in Real Estate Marketing

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Benefits of Using Aerial Photography and Video in Real Estate Marketing

Experts estimate that nearly half of all property buyers begin their search online. The photographs they see can make or break a real estate deal.


Real estate in particular can benefit from aerial photography. This type of picture will give the buyer the bird’s eye view they need to understand all parts of the property. 


Exactly how does aerial photography fit into a marketing strategy, though? Where do you include the photos? What type of photos do you use, and why do they even matter? 


Keep reading to learn how aerial photography can make your real estate happen more quickly and maybe even help elevate the price of your property. 

Why Aerial Photography Stands Out

Aerial photography looks much different than other professional photographs of real estate. You're not just looking at the panoramic view of the kitchen. Property buyers can see the entire lay of the land at a glance. 


Here are a few ways that aerial photography stands out



Aerial photography allows a person to see your property's features from a perspective they would not otherwise see unless they walked the property. This single snapshot allows property buyers to understand the lay of the land at a glance before they step foot on the property. 


Furthermore, aerial photography can showcase the best features of the property. A drone can zoom in on whatever you want to be showcased, from the gables on the barn to the turret in the house. 


Improved Visibility

Listings are flooding real estate markets right now. Aerial photography can help your property stand out and increase its visibility. 


As property buyers scroll through properties online, those with aerial photography pop off the page. This bird's-eye view gives property owners a full picture of the property's location, size, and features. Such information will lead to more inquiries in a crowded market. 


A Clear Picture of Unique Selling Points

If your property has a unique selling point, aerial photography can highlight it. If you have a property with a breathtaking view or a mountain-side location, aerial photography will showcase the uniqueness much better than typical photography. Remember that a drone will have a perspective that no other photographer can capture, and this will help sell your property. 


Higher Perceived Property Value

A real estate agent will help you initially appraise your property to determine the best price for the market. Aerial photography can elevate this price.


Because aerial photography uniquely showcases the property, buyers may be willing to pay more for the property. It will appear more valuable, and you may have an abundance of buyers vying for the property in a bidding war. 


Cost-Efficient Marketing 

Drones are becoming a common method for capturing aerial footage. As a result, the cost of aerial photography and videography has decreased. Real estate developers and agents use it regularly, making it more affordable than it was in the past. 


In the end, you have a stunning product for an affordable price. You can sell your property for more because you are showcasing its best features. 

Best Way to Use Aerial Photography

Now that you understand why aerial photography is a valuable tool, let's discuss the best way to use such stunning pictures. A good realtor will have ideas for aerial videos and drone photos. After all, real estate marketing is their business, so they know how to maximize a photograph with a property's bird's eye view. 


Start Digital

Use aerial photos on the realtor's digital listing page. Such pictures will stop property buyers from scrolling. Aerial shots pop off the page to give would-be buyers a unique and complete view of the property at one glance. 


Combine Video and Stills 

Life takes place in a series of movements, not still images. So, use aerial video along with still images to create a full and captivating picture of the property. In the right order, the property buyer will purposefully move around the property without ever stepping foot on the property. 


The right photograph can create a seamless, rare, and sublime view that showcases your property. 


Blend Panoramic Pictures With HD Videos

To create the best possible marketing tool, use high-definition videos with panoramic spotlight photographs. Such a combination would allow a property buyer to see the property from the air as well as the ground. The panoramic picture gives the horizontal view while the aerial video gives the vertical view. 


Capitalize With Social Media

There's truly no better way to reach thousands of would-be property buyers than with social media. If you have a social media account, post aerial videos and photos of your property. This will at least create engagement and potentially generate interest. 


A great realtor will understand the ins and outs of how to use each channel of social media. For example, Instagram marketing will look different than other types of marketing because of the focus on images in general. 


Print Marketing

While the Internet is the best way to reach a broad audience, print marketing is the best way to reach a local audience. Brochures and fliers should always have aerial shots of your property for the same reason you want aerial shots on your online listings. They grab people's attention. 


Additionally, aerial shots make the property seem more luxurious and again, could drive a higher price.  

Make the Most of Drone Photography

Not all drone photography is the same. If you're a realtor looking for a way to help your clients, keep these tips in mind as you look at using real estate aerial photography to showcase your property. 


Use the Right Drone and Camera

Research the best drones and cameras for drones. You'll quickly find you have many options thanks to the advancement of both drones and their cameras. Find the best fit for the right price for your realty business. 


Hire an Experienced Drone Operator

You may be tempted to go rogue and run the drone yourself. Do not do this. You will quickly discover that drones are not the same as that remote control car you received when you were eight. 


If you want excellent pictures, hire an experienced drone operator. Great real estate aerial photos consist of both still images and video footage. An experienced drone operator will know how to capture the best features of your property in an efficient amount of time. 


Use Video

Some drone cameras only take still images. If you're going to spend the money to use a drone, then take it one step further and use a drone that has video capabilities. Potential buyers will see a stunning video tour of the property, and as a result, they'll fall in love with it. 


Video best captures the real value of a home as well, even after a real estate agent has determined the property value

Questions to Ask the Drone Photographer 

When you hire a photographer, you should make sure they have plenty of experience. Whether you're a real estate agent or an independent seller, you need to make sure you receive the product you need for the money that you spend. Here are a few basic questions to ask: 

  • How long have you been operating this drone? 
  • What kind of experience do you have flying this drone? 
  • Do you have any certification that indicates you've had proper training with this drone? 
  • How often do you practice flying your drone? 
  • Do you have liability insurance?


Note that drones are not remote-controlled planes. They're not toys. Drone operators must have a Remote Pilot Certificate to fly their drones, so ask for this certification before you hire your drone pilot. 


Also, ask for a portfolio of the pilot's work. You want to make sure the images are clear and that they showcase the best parts of the properties in the photos. Here are a few unique things to look for: 

  • How the photographer used light to maximize the property's footage
  • How the photographer used light to showcase the property
  • How the photographer used lines to showcase the property
  • How the photographer used perspective


Lights, lines, and perspectives will combine to show off your property. A great drone pilot and photographer will understand how to use these three elements to create beautiful and appealing photos of your property. 

A Bird's Eye View For the Win

Nothing can showcase your property quite like aerial photography can. The property buyer will see the full picture of your property at a glance. They can picture themselves on it, enjoying all its features all because you gave them this bird's eye view. 


Do you need an excellent realtor? Or are you a realtor looking to find some clients? Either way, we can help. 


Contact us today for top-notch real estate services.