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How Best to Showcase a Unique Property for Sale

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How Best to Showcase a Unique Property for Sale

Has a homeowner placed the sale of their unique property in your hands? Lucky you.


Home prices are slated to continue to increase in 2023. That means now couldn't be a better time for you to work your real estate magic and get your house sold.


The question is, how exactly do you showcase a unique property -- for instance, one with a novel layout or rare amenity, for example?


Here's a rundown on how to give a unique property for sale the attention it deserves in today's real estate market.


Let's jump in!


Use Detailed Descriptions

One of the most important steps you can take to showcase a unique house is to encourage engagement in your property listing.


The description you use to highlight the property you're selling should make your readers curious about what you have to offer. To do this, use language that details your property's features.


For instance, does the home have a boat launch or water access? Use these keywords and other related keywords, like "fishing" and "dock," in your property description to target buyers seeking these features.


These keywords may also take the form of hashtags if you post the listing on social media (more on social media later).


Take Gorgeous Photos That Stand Out

Another excellent way to show off a unique home is to capture beautiful photos of the property for sale.


Although you may be tempted to snap your own photos of the home you're selling, don't. Instead of resorting to your cell phone camera, enlist the help of a professional photographer to handle this task.


Homes for sale that have professional listing photos generally sell faster than homes that lack professional images. In addition, buyers looking for houses online often spend much more time perusing the pictures than reading the property description.


For this reason, it's paramount that your listing's photos are high quality. The higher their quality, the greater your chances of attracting interest and turning them into buyers.


High-quality photos will also boost your credibility as a real estate agent and strengthen your brand. As a result, you can more easily grow your clientele.


Advertise Your Listing on Social Media

Yet another way to market a unique house for sale is to display the property on social media sites.


Social media is an easy -- and free -- way to expand your home's marketing reach. Sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can be a gold mine, as you never know if somebody in your network might want to buy the house you're selling.


If you're willing to invest money in social media marketing, consider boosting your property listing on Facebook. This feature can help you to grow your reach even more, thus increasing your chances of securing a buyer.


Social media advertising stands out in the real estate industry because, with a social media ad, you can easily target individuals based on certain factors. These factors may include:

  • Interests
  • Hobbies
  • Buying habits
  • Location
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Demographics


As a result, you can spend your time, energy, and budget in a more innovative way by focusing on leads who are likely to be the most interested in your property.


Provide Three-Dimensional Virtual Tours

Using three-dimensional virtual tours, you can also showcase a unique property for sale.


A virtual tour lets a potential buyer view a house for sale from any location. Likewise, they can tour the home whenever they have a moment to do so.


The best part? They'll still feel as though they are actually inside the home.


When you create a virtual tour of your house, buyers can move throughout it and turn in different directions to view its various sections and rooms.


Prospective buyers will also be able to look up to view the ceiling's light fixtures or look down to view the flooring when virtually touring your for-sale home. In addition, they'll be able to go to a window in the living room and look outside, for example.


Buyers can take advantage of your home's virtual tour on a smartphone, tablet, iPad, or computer. 


Use Aerial Drone Videos to Show the Extent of the Property

In addition to taking advantage of virtual tours, you can use drone video technology to make your unique for-sale property stand out even more.


Aerial drone videos are a creative and versatile way to draw attention to your home's unique details. However, they are also great for capturing the property surrounding the home you're selling.


Drone videos are highly recommended in situations where traditional photographs aren't adequate. For instance, you can use them to show buyers how close your house for sale is to a nearby park in the neighborhood.


Even if you have already created photos and a virtual tour for your listing, investing in a drone video could be a smart move. That's because property listings with multiple visuals are more likely to engage, intrigue, and impress potential buyers.


In addition, the more you use drone technology, the more innovative and forward-thinking you'll appear. This may make aspiring buyers and sellers more eager to partner with you in their future real estate transactions.


Take Advantage of Virtual Staging

You can also tap into the power of technology as a real estate agent by making the most of virtual staging.


With this solution, you can present your for-sale home in a dreamy way that stimulates your buyer's imagination and desire to buy the house. Put another way, you can show prospective buyers your home's decorative potential.


You can make your property feel warm and inviting and stand out with the right virtual staging approach. In addition, buyers may more easily be able to imagine themselves in the home so that they might feel more emotionally connected to it.


What's especially great about virtual staging is that it is much less expensive than physical staging. You may also be able to enhance the outdoor setting around your virtual home to make the property even more attractive.


For instance, consider adding a twilight touch to the virtual home's exterior to show how the house will look outside at dusk. If your property's exterior image features dry grass and a cloudy sky, you can virtually enhance it to make your property's grass green and the sky blue.


Make Use of New Technologies Like Augmented Reality

Showcase your unique home for sale by capitalizing on augmented reality as well. In augmented reality, you can enjoy an interactive experience through real-life and technology-generated content.


In real estate, you can use augmented reality by creating a virtual clone of yourself standing before your property listing. Then, any potential buyer who visits your listing will get a chance to "meet" you around the clock.


The benefit of augmented reality is that it can strengthen your branding. It can also help you to forge a more personal connection with buyers by introducing yourself to them. Your digital clone can encourage buyers to get in touch with the real you if they're interested in exploring your for-sale property further. 


Try Out a Drive-By Lead System

Finally, generate more leads for your unique property using a system designed to capture more business through drive-by listing inquiries.


For instance, let's say a potential buyer is standing outside of the home you're attempting to sell. With a high-tech system, this buyer could text the particular code listed on your property's for-sale sign to get information about your listing. This information may include details about the property, photos, and pricing information.


You would then instantly receive their phone number through the system. That means you can contact them immediately -- perhaps while they are still at your for-sale property. With this system in place, you'll no longer have to worry about losing drive-by leads.


How We Can Help You to Sell a Unique Property

If you're trying to sell a unique property, you should use descriptive language in your property listing to effectively advertise its outstanding features. Taking high-definition photos and offering engaging three-dimensional virtual tours can also help you to showcase a unique property for sale.


At Hommati.com, we take pride in offering top-tier visual services for the modern real estate agent. From drone videos to virtual staging, we can help you to make your properties more captivating and, in turn, sell more quickly.


Contact us to learn more about our services for agents, and let's sell your unique home today!