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9 Virtual Staging Ideas to Attract More Serious Home Buyers

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9 Virtual Staging Ideas to Attract More Serious Home Buyers

When it comes to selling a house, you want to make sure that you are putting its best foot forward.


As easy as it can be to try to sell a home while it's empty, this is not the best foot forward that we are talking about.


If you want to make a good impression on buyers, you need to go through with virtual home staging to make the home look like somewhere potential buyers want to spend their time. 


But how does virtual staging work? What is virtual staging? It is the process of creating photorealistic room interiors of a property you are selling online! 


It makes the room look furnished in photographs, when in reality that is all done on a computer. But it makes all the difference when selling a home.


Want to learn more about virtual staging, virtual staging ideas, and the benefits of doing it? Keep reading to learn more!


Virtual Staging Ideas 

If you want to go with virtual staging, your head is in the right place! But you may not have any ideas or know where to start. If that's the case, you can follow some of these tips and ideas below for how to do virtual staging!


1. Focus on Creating a Warm and Inviting Living Room

The living room is often the first area that buyers see when they enter a home, so it's important to create a warm and inviting space. It is also one of the areas where they are going to spend the most time. You want to give them a good first impression from the start so that they feel attracted to the space.


You can use virtual staging to showcase comfortable seating in the living room, soft lighting, and a cozy atmosphere. 


2. Showcase a Home Office

Now that more people are working from home, it is crucial to show that there is a workspace in your home that a buyer could see themselves in.


Many buyers are looking for a home office these days, so showcasing a functional workspace can be a huge selling point. So how can you do this with virtual staging? You can highlight a dedicated office space with a desk, chair, and other essential items that someone would want in their workspace.


3. Highlight the Kitchen

Everyone loves a good kitchen. This is one of the areas where people spend a lot of time in a house, so knowing what it looks like and what it will feel like to be in is important for any potential homebuyer! 


Virtual staging can help to show updated appliances and countertops in the kitchen. It can also highlight features in the kitchen as well as show how decor can completely make the kitchen feel like home.


While you’re virtual staging the kitchen, keep in mind that you can show how it is great for cooking, dining, and entertainment purposes.


4. Stage the Master Bedroom

The master bedroom is a key selling point for many buyers, so use virtual staging to create a luxurious and inviting space. The buyers are most likely the ones that are going to be making the master bedroom their sleeping haven, so showing them how it could be used is important.


So, what should you put in this area of the staging?


Show off a comfortable bed and stylish bedding. You could add in a reading nook if you can or a hangout space separate from the bed itself.


Decorate the master bedroom to be the haven that it is! 


5. Emphasize the Bathroom

Focusing on the master bathroom is another crucial component when it comes to staging the house. This can be another haven for buyers. After a long day of work, they may want to come home and take a nice bath in dim lighting.


This area of the house is meant for relaxing and unwinding. Use virtual staging to showcase a large bathtub, walk-in shower, and plenty of storage space for their belongings. You can also add a few plants to create more greenery in the space.


6. Showcase a Kid-Friendly Space

You aren't going to know who your potential buyers are. Because of that, it is best to cover all of your bases and showcase a kid-friendly space.


You can use virtual staging to showcase a playroom or kid's bedroom with plenty of storage and fun decor! This will make having kids in the house easier to visualize for families who are looking!


7. Highlight a Guest Bedroom

Many buyers are looking for homes with guest rooms for visiting family and friends! You will want to create a guest bedroom that looks inviting. Make sure to spruce up the space with fun bedding, storage space, and a cozy vibe.


8. Create a Home Gym

What's better than the kitchen and the living room staging? Going out of your way to stage a home gym! 


Home gyms are becoming more and more popular, so showcasing a home gym in your virtual staging can be a huge selling point. Be sure to stage the fitness equipment, floor-to-ceiling mirrors, and whatever else you would want in your home gym!


9. Showcase the Home's Lighting

Lighting is a huge selling point of a home. More importantly, having natural lighting attracts many home buyers. 


To attract home buyers, you can use natural lighting in your virtual staging to make a difference in how the space looks and feels. Highlight the home by opening up curtains to create natural light and opening blinds in the virtual staging as well.


Benefits of Virtual Staging 

If you use these 9 virtual staging ideas, you will be sure to attract more serious home buyers to your real estate. Helping them to visualize the space means they will be more likely to buy it.


Once you do that, you'll start reaping the benefits of virtual staging - and quickly! 


Here are a few of the many benefits you could see if you use virtual staging to help you sell your home!


Attract More Buyers

After you put together a virtual staging, you are going to attract more buyers. That is because potential buyers love photos of how a place could look after they make the purchase. An empty space isn't going to have the same effect. 


Inspire the Buyer

A buyer may also feel inspired by virtual staging. Instead of staring at an empty room and not knowing how they would ever use it, virtual staging can inspire the buyer to know exactly how they are going to layout and decorate a space.


It can also help a buyer see and understand the dimensions of a room or home with the photos.


Sell Your Home Faster

If you create a virtual staging design for your listing, odds are you will sell the home faster. 


In fact, 82% of agents said virtually staging a home made it easier for buyers to visualize and therefore buy the home. Not only does it sell faster, but it usually sells for more as well.


Save Money on Marketing

Virtual staging is another great way to market a property. It is also affordable! 


Virtual staging is a much more affordable and cheaper option than physically staging a home. 


This means that not only will you sell your home faster and for more money, but you'll also be saving money the entire time as well!


Follow These Virtual Staging Ideas to Improve Your Home Sale

If you are trying to sell your home quickly, then you are going to want to take advantage of the many benefits of virtual staging.


There are so many ways you can go about the virtual staging process, but it will indeed help you if you take advantage of it. You have some of the best virtual staging tips above, so be sure to take advantage of at least a few of them! 


If you want help with your virtual staging and selling your home, you can contact one of our agents. At Hommati, we pride ourselves on providing you with the best help to make selling your home a breeze - and even an enjoyable process!


Contact us to learn more about what we offer in terms of photography, drone videos, floor plans, and more!